
Hi! I am Margot. I work as a lead data analyst at Bouygues Telecom in France.

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About me

I am a data analytics professional working in Paris, France. I first started my career in the public sector (research in macroeconomics) before joining the Tech sector in 2019. I hold a double master's degree in Quantitative Economics (ENS Paris Saclay) and Management (ESSEC Business School).

My Tableau resume

My skills

Data preparation

Data import | Processing | Cleaning

Python code in a Jupyter notebookRstudio window with lots of code

Data visualization

Graphs | Maps | Interactive dashboards

Tableau dashboard about help deskTableau dashboard about Arsenal club

Data analysis

Analysis | Insights | Recommendations

Recommendations for a fictive company (RWFD project)Staffing recommendations for a call center


Career coaching for ESSEC students | Data analyst mentor

Linkedin invitation for an ESSEC event
Openclassrooms data analyst trackCYTECH logo


My Tableau blog article

Selection of portfolio projects

Select a project to find out more

Tableau app overview (3 panels)
Samsung Health x Google Maps Location History project
Data import (JSON, csv) | Clean & Merge in Python | Tableau mobile dashboard
Chocolate brands montage
Inflation in the French chocolate market
Python web scraping | GCP BigQuery | dbt Cloud | Power BI
Rshiny app | Listings characteristics
Airbnb France
Rshiny Web App | Data visualization | Kmeans clustering

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